About Jim's Collection

Jim's collection is an accumulation over many years of tennis memorabilia. It is one man's collection and although not a comprehensive history it is fairly representative of the rackets and equipment used over a period of approximately 100 years from the 1890s to 1990s. There are many examples of earlier rackets and equipment not yet represented here and many gaps as there were thousands of models and hundreds of manufacturers over this period.
Jim's collection is based on the Dunlop Slazenger group of companies which probably has the longest history of any manufacturer and over the century encompassed such great names as Ayers, Jefferies, Graddidge and Sykes which at various stages merged or were absorbed into the group.
As a pro stringer, Jim also has a special interest in racket development, stringing patterns, etc, and the collection includes landmark models from other manufacturers.
It is hoped that the collection and website will grow and develop over the coming months and years but will always remain one man's collection.
A special thanks to Lawrence whose inspiration and expertise enabled this site to be established and to Dunlop Slazenger International Ltd with whom Jim has a close relationship.

Format of the articles

3 Champion
4 1878
5 J Evans & Sons London
6 Made by J Evans & Sons London. In 1865 they were listed at 114 Newgate St,London as importers of foreign beads, toys etc. Retailed by John Way Lovegrove 42 High St Wells. Kelly's directory of 1895 lists them as Drapers & Fancy Bazaar. Note extremely rare stringing pattern consisting of 18 mains 16 cross strings & 30 diagonal strings wound around the mains & crosses. Also 4 sets of thick gut trebling to the head & 6 to the throat. Primitive rounded grip & slight lob to the head. This is the only example I have seen of this stringing.
General help about the format of the articles
Copies the article link to your clipboard
Open a Google search about the item
Podcast with further research about the article ( not all articles )
Play the mini podcast of 3-5 minutes with further research about the article ( not all articles )
Pause the podcast
Stop the podcast, resets to the beginning
(2) A photograph of the item. Smaller images are shown for small screen devices. Click on an image to see a higher resolution image.
(3) The model, if it is known
(4) The date of manufacturer, or circa estimate of year, if available. The Web page link is to the Decade page on Jim's Tennis.
(5) The manufacturer's name, if known
(6) A description with research about the item
Please note that all of the article descriptions are written in English currently.

Jim's Tennis.com Time line

This time line shows how the web site has developed.


Jim collects his first item of tennis memorabilia, a Dunlop Gold Wing racket.


A web site for the collection is considered.


Descriptions are written for the first batch of old rackets. During the following months over 400 items are photographed and catalogued.
Jim's Tennis.com goes live.


New Books & Magazines section with over 200 articles. Another section of pictures added.
New section for tennis balls.
More players' rackets added.


New sections for Cards and Stamps. Various additions to other sections.

2015 - 2016

A few items that Jim has been collecting 2009 - 2015. Tennis rackets from the 1870s etc


More than 70 additions to several sections.


Very early & quite exceptional & rare survivors.


Addition of 19 rackets to Rackets 1870-1930 and other sections.
Addition of a Delft piece from the beginning of c.1660 for a boy with a bat and ball, which is the oldest item in the collection







Contact Jim's Tennis

Clever Girl
For information about Jim's Tennis



Tennis racket Valuation Service for your old rackets


Group photo
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